Monday, October 12, 2009


e(_e;; Apparently I didn't know I was supposed to work today, but I did and ended up being an hour late due to being at my friend's house playing Pokémon Platinum. Instead of being called at 5:10pm I was called at 5:23pm asking where I was because I was supposed to be at work and I didn't know I was scheduled blah blah...

I really don't know how I cope with work. O_o Everyone has one reason or another about everybody else as to why they don't like working but its stupid because it makes me feel like I am reliving high school except I am getting paid for it.

Another note... why is it everyone is telling me I need to get laid? I don't wanna come out of a chicken thats gross... unless they mean that flower necklace thing that they give you in Hawaii or something... although its just people telling me I need to give someone a special homemade hostess.

Dog gone it.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


@(_@ I'm Toreece Eugene Wartenbe and if you've seen this link, you probably know me in someway and I you... however apparently I forget half the people I meet oddly enough. D:

Anyway, I'll sure have more stuff up later but its 2am and I gotta be to work in 8 hours. @w@;