Monday, October 12, 2009


e(_e;; Apparently I didn't know I was supposed to work today, but I did and ended up being an hour late due to being at my friend's house playing Pokémon Platinum. Instead of being called at 5:10pm I was called at 5:23pm asking where I was because I was supposed to be at work and I didn't know I was scheduled blah blah...

I really don't know how I cope with work. O_o Everyone has one reason or another about everybody else as to why they don't like working but its stupid because it makes me feel like I am reliving high school except I am getting paid for it.

Another note... why is it everyone is telling me I need to get laid? I don't wanna come out of a chicken thats gross... unless they mean that flower necklace thing that they give you in Hawaii or something... although its just people telling me I need to give someone a special homemade hostess.

Dog gone it.


  1. You need to get laid the irresponsible way.

  2. Pfft you should have said "I'm playing pokémon bitch!".

    EVERYBODY says that to me too. The way I see it getting laid makes you make even dumber decisions.

  3. sadly playing pokémon doesn't earn me money and work does. As much as I don't like work, I gotta manage. :(

    I like the way you think. 8D

  4. What iridescent gamer say is correct, layin can lead to dumb decision makin. I got laid and see!? I'm married! LMAO
